Dall Sheep…hunts are conducted in the Alaska Range. Alaska sheep season runs August 10th to September 20th. All of these hunts are “backpack hunts” which take us into some remote and beautiful areas. Additional animals can be added to your sheep hunt for those with the time and energy to take advantage of other opportunities in the field.

Caribou…We hunt big valleys, glassing from vantage points and visually covering a lot of ground. It is very common to see sheep, grizzly, black bear, moose, and caribou in these valleys and many hunters have taken multiple species on their hunt. The season runs from August 10th to September 30th which allows you to choose a velvet or hard antlered rack.

Moose…in the Alaska Range are available from August 20th to September 25th which coincides with the rut. Our goal is to take 60 inch or bigger moose. You will have an excellent opportunity to take extra animals on your moose hunt. Bear, caribou, sheep, wolf, and wolverine are all available depending on where you go hunting.

Interior Grizzly/Brown Bear…On these hunts, we target mature males. Bears in the 8’ range are not uncommon. Boar brown bears in the Alaska Range can grow to 9’ 6” but the average is around 8’. We spot and stalk from and tent camps in valley bottoms and use the topography to gain an ideal glassing vantage. The spring hunts begin when things have started to green up in May and June. The fall hunts are also spot and stalk, starting early August and into late September.

Black Bear…These hunts are in the Alaska Range and the limit is three bears per season. We have had tremendous success taking bears in this area and many bears square 7’. We do spot and stalk hunts specifically targeting black bears and we also take them as opportunity allows while hunting other animals. Black bear hunts start in early May and run through Late September.